
Classic Mecha Figures: Macross Hicomical

I thought I'd kick this thing off with a classic. It may be a bit goofy (or goufy, as I should say) but it is a rare find, that I will get my grubby little hands on one day. This was moved from my old blog.

We all have toys or items we wished we had from our childhood. My age group generally liked GI Joe and Transformers. The small GI Joes, mind you. Yeah, the ones with the kung fu grip. Anyway, I still fondly remember alot of those toys. My parents were very good about teaching me how to appreciate what I had. Toys included. I never played with my toys in the dirt, blew them up with firecrackers, or melted them. No, I actually would keep them very clean, pose them, and then let my imagination run wild. (I spent a lot of time alone as a kid...) When I had to have the newest thing, or simply grew tired of what I had, I would repackage them and sell them on the curb. I had a pretty swinging 'gig going. The only downside, is that I don't have any of those little trinkets to remember my childhood by. One such elusive toy was the "Roy Fokker" Macross Hicomical model from around 1983. To be honest, I'm not sure where it came from. I don't even think they were available stateside, but somehow it found it's way into my little grubby hands. The amazing thing about these models, were the amount of detail that went into them. That and their pose-ability and transform-ability. Truly astounding works of engineering, especially back in 1983. I've been scouring the net trying to find one at a reasonable price, but that is hard to do. Prices generally float between $50 to $150. If anybody has one in a dark corner of your closet, let me know. I might be interested if the price is right...

I found the pics at the website Area 11

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