
The Gunion

Who says giant robots has to be about death and destruction? Well, at least the fellows at MAHQ.net can make death and destruction funny. Most U.S. web surfers are familiar with The Onion, a news satire page. Typical headlines include over the top claims, and make seemingly innocent topics become rather twisted. The Gunion brings the satire and fun in a form that is a bit more Otaku, or A-boy friendly. For example, todays story: Kaiju uses New Strategy, Decimates Super Heroes. At the bottom of the article is an ad for Dancouga - Conflict Resolution with an 800 number. I'm sure there are many people out there that may not find this humor funny, but who cares. It's got some pretty witty stuff. The only complaint I have, is that it's not updated very often. The current issue is from May. They may just need some more writers. I think it is a great concept with much potential. But first, I need to get my MS out of repossesion, what was that number again...


Modeler: Dalong.net

This is the Gunpla enthusiast's best friend. Have you ever anticipated getting a kit, just knowing that with minimal effort, it would look great right out of the box? Only to be completely disappointed in it's cheesy construction? Dalong takes the guess work out. He was even kind enough to offer an English menu system. Each kit reviewed, systematically opened, runners displayed, and a few parts are assembled to give you an idea of construction. The instructions are also scanned in to see what you're up against, too. This absolutely indispensable site gives you a virtual test drive of each kit, before you even order one. Check it out soon, before it's too late. ^^



Pardon my dust

I am considering a move to Wordpress. How serious? I'm not sure. Blogger seems to offer a few more features that I am looking for right now. In the mean time, I am trying to find a new look. I'll be playing around with templates and colors. So that means that it may not always look pleasant, but I'm working on it.


FXA-05D/RX178 HGUC Pt.4.75

I have not worked on my HGUC for quite some time. I plan on changing that this week. In the mean time, I did finish my lightbox. I took three photos trying to get the lighting correct. I think I made the box waaaaaay too big. I'm going to cut it down. almost by half. Other than that, I would say that the tutorial I posted earlier was quite good. For future reference, keep in mind the scale of your model before starting, though. The lighting had to be rearranged to fill the space better. But, overall, I feel the project was a success. Now I just need to finish the rest of this kit...


Gundam 00 Trailer

I saw this at DannyChoo.com this morning.


News: Gundam 00 Q&A

Gunota Headlines has a question and answer with the series creator of the new Gundam 00 series. Although he is honest in his answers, I can't help be feel a little more distanced from the series. The problem that I have, is that Sunrise seems to be the driving force behind the movement away from the core Gundam style of animation and story telling. Super robots are cool, but the more "realistic" idea of mecha is what has captured my interest for so long. As I say with every Gundam 00 post, we'll just have to wait and see....

Gunota Headlines: Mizushima Animage interview


Building a Lightbox

One great thing about Gunpla is the photography that goes along with it. My current setup is rather amusing. I have two sheets of black poster board, a tv tray, and two halogen construction lights. I seems to work o.k., however, this is what I plan to do next. Presenting a lightbox. These can be bought pre-made, but the can get a bit expensive. I stumbled upon this tutorial at Gamera Baene. The construction is simple, straight forward, and cheap. Perfect! As you can see, the light setting on your camera is important, as well as the use of a tripod. I hope to get some time this week to start work on it. Of course I need to get back to my HGUC RX-178, too.

Gamera Baenre: Lightbox Tutorial


I know, I told you Tuesdays...

I'm actually on vacation this week. I'm away from my computer, as well as my normal schedule. I'll be updating as soon as I get back.
