
Pardon my dust

I am considering a move to Wordpress. How serious? I'm not sure. Blogger seems to offer a few more features that I am looking for right now. In the mean time, I am trying to find a new look. I'll be playing around with templates and colors. So that means that it may not always look pleasant, but I'm working on it.


Anonymous said...

I love Wordpress! Last time I checked out the free hosted blogs at wordpress.com I wasn't impressed. There were not a lot of options for themes and plugins. I have my own domain and my own hosting account so I can run my own wordpress install and choose any plugin or theme I want, or write my own. I love helping out fellow mecha fans get going on the web so feel free to drop me a line if you have questions: 'ninjascience' at the good old gmail dot com.

rsnumber2 said...

Thanks for the kind comments! I keep working on Wordpress, but I still haven't gotten the hang of it. It seems that alot of features would be available in the paid version. But I operate on a nil budget, so I gotta go with the best free services I can take advantage of right now. Maybe someday, though. I still need to learn how to hack it a bit.

Oh, by the way, do you have a 200 pixel wide banner I could place on my blog? I would like to funnel some traffic to your site.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I'm speaking strictly of the Wordpress you download and run yourself on your own hosting account, not the free version at wordpress.COM. I found your email address and I'll send you a link banner. thanks for the offer!

Jenx said...

You can simply find a free web host from freewebspace.net and run the free copy of Wordpress from there. The Wordpress.com versions are hosted accounts. You can get the opensource blog software at Wordpress.org. If you need any help, contact me at The Gundam Blog (gundams.wordpress.com)

rsnumber2 said...

Wow. Wordpress seems to be the defacto blog software. hmm. I appreciate the recomendations. I've actually had some offers to switch from my current blogspot format. So it looks like the market is wide open. I probably holler at you about some design elements, because your site does look pretty good. The more I get into the Gundam community, the nicer people get. It really is refreshing to meet so many great people enjoying such a great hobby.