
Just Finished: Mobile Suit Gundam: MS 08th Team

Wow. Just, wow. I finally finished watching the entire MS 08th Team DVD set. And all I can say is wow. This is by far the greatest Gundam series I have seen yet. I will try to write up some sort of review for it in the coming posts. The only caveat I still have with the older Gundam series, is still there use of foul language. In particular, the use of the Lord's name. I still don't get what the fascination is with that.

Apart from the language, what makes this series shine, besides the animation, is the great character development and interaction. In fact, there is a lot of detail in the story about the characters, mobile suits, ranks, and even the environment. The whole world of the One Year War seems to be better fleshed out than previous series. In fact, I came away with much respect for the Ace Pilot of the Enemy Zeon Forces: Norris Packard.

I'll try to get the review up soon.

Highlight: Gouf Custom vs: the whole 08th Team.

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