
Surprise Booty!

It's funny how you can meet someone, and in the five minutes you spent with them, can connect and make a great friend. I met a fellow named Kajiwara while visiting Japan with my good friends, Kuni and Hide. We only spent about five minutes visiting with each other while we were at Volks in the Radio Kaikan building across from the Akihabara station. It was a rather akward sight. He was trying to speak broken English, and I was trying to speak broken Japanese. But we shared one common interest. Gunpla. Over the years we have stayed in touch through Kuni, who now works with him in California at Volks USA Headquarters. A while back, Kazi sent me the HGUC FXA-05D/RX-178 MK II I am so diligently working on. As thanks, I sent him a HGUC Powered GM.

Today, our parts manager came up to me and handed me a rather large package. It didn't weigh much at all. At first I figured Sara bought something else on eBay. So I started to toss it on my credenza. Then I spotted Kazi's name. As I opened the package, I couldn't believe my eyes! A veritable plethora of booty flowed from the non-imposing box! In it, he packed 3 water slide decal sheets, 4 packs of "Modeling Supply Goods," a multi pack of colored reflective tape, and the very three Gundam Markers I was set to order next week! Craziness! All I can say is, wow.

And, thanks Kazi. I owe you another one... (-_^)

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